Here’s Something is a podcast filled with short, fun, funny (and sometimes serious) takes on culture, current events and relationships hosted by Blaine and Margaret Hogan — a husband and wife duo living in the Midwest.
Episode 6: Special Guest Ruby Hogan and the Premiere of Her New Song ft. Molly Stevens
Our first guest (and first-born child) Ruby Hogan shares the creative process behind the world premiere of her song, "Unicorn, Unicorn, Unicorn," ft. The Voice contestant, Molly Stevens. From a songwriting collab Zoom call, to how poetry can help you process, and from winging it, to starting new things in quarantine, this episode gets the whole family in the mix.
Episode 5: Parenting in Quarantine and the Window of Tolerance
To say that parenting in quarantine is a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Distance learning, working from home, looking for work from home — it can become quite a pressure cooker. In Episode 5 we explore something called the “Window of Tolerance” and tell you exactly what not to do if you lose it at your kids in a Dairy Queen parking lot.
Episode 4: On Vulnerability, a Phat A** Lymph Node, or Something Worse
Blaine recently discovered something that needed a look from the good ol’ doc. In this mid-week, bonus episode, we talk about what it feels like to wait (yes, more waiting) for some possibly unsettling results, as we learn from poet David Whyte on the power of vulnerability in moments like these.
Episode 3: Don’t Waste The Wait
Recorded a few weeks ago while Blaine was feeling a bit of the depresh, and we both were waiting on work, life, and the world, we thought we’d share this one anyhow — because frankly, we’re all still waiting on something.
Episode 2: How We Met
You didn’t ask, but we thought we’d tell you the story of how we met. From black box theaters to Ron Popeil, to Justin Timberlake vs. Mark McGrath, to Sun-In hair dye, to pirate teeth, to Margaret’s mythical Grandpa Pippen, we cover a lot of ground.
Episode 1: Welcome to Here’s Something
In this pilot episode, Blaine and Margaret chat about the origins of Here’s Something, sheltering-in, homeschooling during quarantine, and how to get your foot unstuck from a vacuum cleaner. It’s a doozy!
“The course of true love never did run smooth.”
- William Shakespeare, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”